15 Important Reasons For Eye Care Website Redesign


by Situdio

February 2018

Before going into details about eye care website redesign, if you are running an online optometry website, it is very crucial to put every detail about the product, content or any other things very carefully. Because optometry measures eyesight health by examining eyesight disease, or prescribing remedial lenses for humankind, that’s why whatever material you are putting on your optometry site should be accurate and precise. The rapid growth in digital marketing space is expanding every second. Thus, it is important to maintain the pace of a website’s function which can only be done via updating. If you think your optometry site is lagging somewhere, then your eye care website redesign is a must. There are several issues that a site can face such as technical, speed, ranking, server problem and more. Read More: 20 Best Optometry Websites To Keep Audience Engaged Handling every trouble at the right time is what most important for eye care websites because you can’t mislead your visitors by placing wrong information. Below are the 15 reasons that will tell you whether your optometry site needs to be redesigned or not. 1- Slow Loading Imagine you are visiting a site which is taking a long […]

Before going into details about eye care website redesign, if you are running an online optometry website, it is very crucial to put every detail about the product, content or any other things very carefully. Because optometry measures eyesight health by examining eyesight disease, or prescribing remedial lenses for humankind, that’s why whatever material you are putting on your optometry site should be accurate and precise. The rapid growth in digital marketing space is expanding every second. Thus, it is important to maintain the pace of a website’s function which can only be done via updating.

If you think your optometry site is lagging somewhere, then your eye care website redesign is a must. There are several issues that a site can face such as technical, speed, ranking, server problem and more.

Read More: 20 Best Optometry Websites To Keep Audience Engaged

Handling every trouble at the right time is what most important for eye care websites because you can’t mislead your visitors by placing wrong information.

Handling every trouble at the right time is what most important for eye care websites because you can't mislead your visitors by placing wrong information. Share on X

Below are the 15 reasons that will tell you whether your optometry site needs to be redesigned or not.

1- Slow Loading

Imagine you are visiting a site which is taking a long time to be loaded, what will you do? Of course, you will switch to another website. The standard time of a site loading is within 2 seconds, and if a site is taking more than 2 seconds, that means the site needs to be re-designed. Hence, if your site is also having a loading problem, then you can’t stimulate your customers anymore. Because no one has time to wait, they have ample options to go for. Therefore, it is important to maintain your website and keep it upto date at any cost.

It would be better if you test your site speed manually by opening and browsing it on different devices. If your site doesn’t load on the mobile device that means it needs some improvement. And, there you need a redesign of your site.

2- Lousy Navigation

If your site doesn’t navigate well, then it will severely impact the visitor’s conversion. Navigation of a website needs to be smooth and swift, and if your site is lagging in this, then there is some problem that only can be solved by redesigning the site. How frequently you check your site status whether it’s working well or not? Once a month, once a year, or daily? You have to keep a constant eye on your website status because you can’t afford lousy navigation on your site. Bad navigation is one of the negative points that can lead to downfall. Hence, it is important to maintain proper navigation to that your visitors can feel easy while roaming through your site.

3- Poor Presentation

“The first impression is the last impression”, you must have heard of it, and yes, it is somewhere true. Whenever you see something, what makes you appeal to visit or see one more time. It’s the way of presentation of the particular thing, same happens with the optometry websites. If your site is not properly represented, then it will leave a bad impact on your visitors or customers. Hence, presentation of a site is one of the crucial tasks on which appropriate care has to be taken to present it in the most attractive one. If you are running an eye care website, then it is important to place every eye care product at the right spot with the clear specification, so that customers can’t get confused in any case.

4- Technical Issues

If your optometry website is technically weak then it can impact your site functioning which is not affordable for sure. Any technical malfunctioning of your site indicates the scope of the site redesign. And, if you, yourself not a techno-friendly, you can’t fix it, and you have to take the assistance of the most proficient web designers or developers. With their pioneering and creative input, they can give a complete transformation of your optometry website.

5- Site Not Responding

Sometimes, what happens is, your site doesn’t respond on time, and that’s the most infuriating phase for visitors. And, you can’t let down your customers’ expectation by serving them non-responding optometry website. You never know, there can be chances of losing your leads as well. Hence, if you don’t want to take such risk, then you have to go for action, and that can be redesigning your website by renowned and skilled personnel. Showing clumsiness to your optometry site can affect the eye health of the eyeglass shoppers.

6- Non Interacting on Social Media

We are living in the era of social media generation where everything is shared on social sites. Social media offer a wide platform like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others, for unambiguous digital marketing activities. These activities can help in building recognition among the public. To generate traffic on your optometry site, you should interact with social media as much as possible. But, if the task is not going well on social media, then it’s a hint that you need re-structuring your site. Reconstructing a site can completely turn into a new outlook, and that may cause good change which can be more fruitful to you.

7- Unclear Display of Content/Features

When a shopper visits your optometry site to buy an eye care product, what is going to help her/him first? The clear display of the product and the specification so that they can order their product and before that, they can browse other products as well. Content is also an essential part of the overall website, and if that section is not clear, then it can directly hamper the visitors’ conversion. Therefore, if you want your customers to be the loyal one, you’ll have to serve the best to your customers. And, if you think there is something not working, that means you need to redesign your site.

8- If It Looks Obsolete

When you feel your website need redesigning? It’s when your site starts reflecting an outdated image. No one wants to visit old websites because it can show some stale data to the information hunters which is not at all genuine. Of course, a majority of population assesses an optometry website by its overall look. Because until and unless they didn’t find eye wear of their choice and that too of latest creation, they are not going to spend a single penny. Here, you need an enhancement on your site, whether it be text, images, graphics, fonts, colors and more. Hence, after your website got amplified with high-quality design, Up-front disclosure, the tremendous and comprehensive content. And, with the amalgamation of all these features and characteristics, your site will look more attractive but not outmoded.

9- Mobile Optimized

Every site needs to have a mobile version because the majority of people surf a website through the mobile device which leads to maximum traffic. Therefore, you need to optimize your website so that everyone can browse it via mobile device also. Smartphones have become an integral part of the human being with which they perform multiple tasks like booking cabs, ordering food, buying eyeglasses and others. For that, it requires little effort in redesigning. Make your site redesigned in such way that users can easily browse your site and get whatever they are searching for.

10- Visitors Are Reluctant to Stay

The time visitors hesitate staying on your website, there you get an indication to re-fix your optometry website. Optometrists build their own websites so that they can serve the people according to their needs. For your optometry website, you want customers to browse through your products and content on web pages. But, if visitors resist staying on the website that shows the site is not fulfilling the criteria. There is something lacking which need to be improvised via redesigning your website. Find the exact issues and get it done by redesigning and see how users will stick around for long as compared to earlier. You can learn more about how to keep your websites’s visitors happy and engaged.

11- Assimilate Upgraded Content

‘Content is king’ for any kind of websites, and for optometry website, it is an essential part because the site’s information is for people’s eye health, And, it would be unethical if you’re providing rotten information or data. Here, assimilating upgraded content can be the reason to redesign your optometry site. Well, there is no need to transform the whole content of the site instead, work on the required area. Updating fresh and quality content is essential for ranking of your site via SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

12- Absence of eye care Blogs/Articles

If you are an optometrist and running an optometry site, then it’s your responsibility to aware your patients or customers about their eye health. Therefore, it is important to include a section of articles and blog on your site. if your site is not having the same. Curing your patient’s eye health should be your top priority. And you should teach your patients to take care of their eyesight via quality and well-researched articles and blogs. And, try to provide blogs and articles in simple language so that all the customers can easily understand it and can take most of the benefit out of it. Hence, make your site redesign in such a way that it can be convenient for your patience, general users, and customers.

If you are an optometrist and running an optometry site, then it's your responsibility to aware your patients or customers about their eye health. Share on X

13- Fails in Mirroring Your Upgraded Scheme

There is one more reason why your optometry site require redesigning, is when your site fails in disseminating the latest strategy to the customers that you are going to implement. Nothing is permanent here, whether it be style, fashion, people, policies, plans. And, according to the market, there is a need for a little change every time. But, if you feel, your strategy or programs are not working for your customers, or they do not like it. Then, it is the right time to redesign your website. Update your website with the latest design and trendy collection of eyewear, along with that keep a check on your regular customers or patients.

It is essential that your site shows the fresh and latest services that you want to cater to your customers. If it's not happening, then your next step should be the redesigning it. Share on X

14- The Number of Complains Increases

The primary focus of an optometrist is to provide better health services each time. And, if you are offering online services, then it is necessary to maintain your optometry website. If there is any issue occur, you can work with your customer service team to dig out the issue of your current website which you are facing right away. If you are bombarded with feedback and questions like Your website is not feasible for mobile version; I can’t find the desired product and related product, Can I find this product other than your site? Then a red alert is an alarming situation for you to redesign your website and make it more improvise. There you need to boost your content in a better way so that you can help your customers completely.

15- You Are Not Getting The Desired Outcome

After curing your patients, what’s your second preference? Well, it must more and more lead conversion. Isn’t it? Your optometry site should have that much potential that it could convert visitors into loyal buyers. Then only you will get the desired result. Keep your eye on the landing pages, calls-to-action and see where they are lacking. An efficient marketing plan can get you the desired outcome.

The Bottom Line

Hence, we have come across multiple reasons for eye care website redesign. A well-designed website acts as an efficacious marketing tool. And, if you want your optometry website to be the ultimate one, Situdio is here for the assistance. With high-level creativity and innovative practices, our team can completely transform your website into superlative one. Now, you know all what you have to do.

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