I am going to show you EXACTLY how to create your own best author website.
We will address for you the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of creating an author website.
Examples of effective and ineffective author websites will be shared and how to improve the ineffective components as well.
In the end, you will know for certain that you can create an effective author website that will enhance your image and branding!
The Purpose of this Article
In this article, we will see some nicely done author websites. These websites can provide inspiration and guidelines to make the best author websites.
By the way, to learn how to create, manage and market your author website, you have to read more articles on our blog.
Characteristic of best author websites
These are the things your author site must have no matter what genre or type of writer you are.
Your Website’s Landing Page Should:
- Include a list of your published work (books, novels, eBooks, articles etc)
- Promptly shows upcoming and new releases
- Have a separate page about yourself
- Provide a way to contact you or hire you.
- Include links to your social media accounts.
- Easy to navigate
- A blog to showcase your personality and/or writing process
- Has a unique, clean and eye-catching design
- Must run perfectly on Mobile and PC
We analyzed 500+ authors’ sites!
We have analyzed more than 500 author websites on the net to write this article.
We update this post in the future by adding new author sites to this list. We may remove some of them though. There’s no guarantee!
We have analyzed more than 500 author websites. Here are the best ones in 3 different categories. https://situdio.com/best-author-websites/ Share on XBut did you really analyze 500+ sites?!
Yes, we did. Here’s the proof!

Let’s start with the list of best author websites
Simple and Minimal Examples of Authors Websites

Linda Tharp
Book Types
Children's Books
Shadows Into Light, Karla
What they did well:
- She utilizes an attractive background.
- The minimalist design keeps the user focused on the imagery and tab options.
- Website upload speed is quick, allowing for ease of use. (the image speed is different)
- Author name is the central focus of the page driving her brand.
- Her bio adds to the focus of her branding.
- The focus lies on the author and not the books.
- Upcoming works are included leaving the reader in anticipation of the next book.
- Blog section is included allowing for media integration.
- Social media is included at the bottom of the website.
- Along with social media is a contact me section located in the same area.
What to consider changing:
- The format is best for authors: more than one book published and established fans.
- Books published are limited in their appearance on the site.
- If a new author, not having books advertised can be hurtful to your branding.
- There’s no link to buy books on Amazon or other book stores.
- Blog isn’t up-to-date.

Shel Silverstein
Book Types
Children's Books and Poetry
Bookman Old Style, sans-serif
What they did well:
- The design according to book types plays in favor of the author’s theme.
- Library editions and hardcovers available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart.
- Image gallery on about page enhances the appearance.
What to consider changing:
- Logo could be at the center of the header on the desktop version.
- No contact form nor social media links on the site. (The author died many years ago though.)
- CTA buttons should be in red as this draws the focus.
- Book reviews can be added to the books pages.

Ann Voskamp
Book Types
Parenting & Families and Religion & Spirituality
Cinzel, Merriweather, Montserrat
What they did well:
- Theme of the author is conveyed.
- Background provides a feeling of this being an author’s website.
- Promotes current work and upcoming books.
- Interactive tabs for short reading material/blog posts to pull in new audiences.
- Seamless and fluid transitions from one section of the website to the next.
What to consider changing:
- Author bio could include a bit more information about the genre of writing.
- Images start to blend together, it could use fragmentation for easier reading and interpretation.

William Golding
Book Types
Literature & Fiction
Merriweather, Flareserif 821
What they did well:
- Minimalist website at its best.
- Interpretation of author is easy with less to navigate.
- Menu tab allows for seamless navigation.
- Limited menu options allows for quick decisions on where to next travel to.
What to consider changing:
- News and articles section can be easier to navigate as it is based on date of news.
- Social media links need to be more noticeable, the gold blends in with the white.

Rolf Potts
Book Types
Playfair Display, Lato
What they did well:
- Minimalistic design of the website filled with informative blogs make this website a perfect Author website.
- The About Me and Bio link is present on the Homepage of this website which helps readers to have a full understanding of the author.
- Direct purchasing links are present on each section of the book plus the audiobook format is present along with translated versions and international orders.
What to consider changing:
- The speed of the slider on the home page is not smooth and the quality of images aren’t captivating to make viewers enamored.
- The footer doesn’t have navigation links to Homepage, Contact, Books.

Jack Kerouac
Book Types
Biographies & Memoirs, Fiction, and Poetry
Futura, ITC Clearface
What they did well:
- Website domain name is the same as the name of author and the overall style is smooth, pleasant.
- The site has browser push notifications plus a newsletter signup option.
What to consider changing:
- More navigation links can be added to the footer.
- The homepage doesn’t have any information related to the books.

James Clear
Book Types
Continuous Improvement, Decision-Making, and Habits
Europa, Minion Pro
What they did well:
- Bewitching website with fluid UI design filled with attractive colours and font style.
- Numerous articles are present on the website, divided into respective categories which are really helpful for readers to feed minds with proper information.
- Testimonials are uploaded for books and those can be purchased directly from different platforms in numerous languages.
- Smart email marketing strategy by sending a free chapter of the book to visitor’s email address.
What to consider changing:
- Contact page is not present which is a must for an author website.

Sally Thorne
Book Types
Playfair Display, Avenir, Lato
What they did well:
- The website domain is on the same name of Author, Sally Throne.
- Colour scheme and loading speed are well maintained.
- Books can be purchased from different platforms including Amazon and reviews are also given on the website.
What to consider changing:
- The Blog Section isn’t present on the website. Footer does not contain the navigation menus.
- Homepage is very short and it doesn’t have any info about the author, Sally Throne.
- The newsletter sign-up form can be added to the footer.

When you talk about contemporary romance and adult fantasy, you cannot miss out on mentioning Jennifer L.
Jennifer L. Armentrout
Book Types
Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, and Young Adult
Raleway, Suranna
What they did well:
- The books section is very simple yet attractive. It gives you an easy browning experience.
- A good range of “where to buy” platforms are incorporated with the description of each book.
What to consider changing:
- The homepage says nothing about the author herself. It may leave a not-so-good impression on the potential buyers.
- The website should include an active contact page to reach out to the author.

Veronica Roth
Book Types
Science Fiction & Fantasy and Young Adult
Montserrat, Roboto Condensed
What they did well:
- A website for a book should always have the latest release on the homepage like this website.
- The homepage shows the author signing a book copy at an event which feels so wonderful.
What to consider changing:
- The books could be displayed in a more appealing manner.
- The biography of the author should be a little more detailed.

Jason Reynolds
Book Types
Fiction and Poetry
Futura PT, Minion Pro
What they did well:
- The contemporary design of the website is very eye-catching and interesting.
- The initials of the author’s name look very classy on the main page.
What to consider changing:
- The best websites for authors like this should avoid lengthy descriptions.
- Social media links should be more noticeable with bigger fonts or icons.

Ocean Vuong
Book Types
Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry
Georgia, Palatino
What they did well:
- The sections for novels and poems are displayed individually, making it one of the best book website samples.
- There is a reading tour for the book time is a mother, which all author websites should have.
What to consider changing:
- The homepage is only limited to the information of one book, which is not taken as a good impression for websites for authors.
- The lack of literature gives the initial impression that this might not be an author’s website.

Timothy Keller
Book Types
Christian and Religion & Spirituality
Proxima Nova, Adobe Garamond
What they did well:
- The loading speed and the layout are well maintained.
- Books are placed individually instead of creating categories which is a less-seen thing among other websites for authors.
What to consider changing:
- There is no navigation menu at the footer, and the social media links are also missing.
- There should be a newsletter sign-up option at the end of the website.
- A contact page is necessary for all author websites.

Angela Duckworth
Book Types
Decision-Making and Self Help
Fira Sans
What they did well:
- The author’s interpretation is placed with the video on its left, making it a great book website sample.
What to consider changing:
- The homepage layout is very basic and needs a lot of work.
- The purchase option of the books is missing on the homepage.
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Modern, Graceful and Iconic Author Website Examples

The first look on Miriam Monfredo’s website shows a picture of a dark forest with mist surrounding the area. This gives a sense of mystery to the reader and tells the writing style of the author. The first image on the landing page is the most important. It can be a slider but most often we see a still image. Marketing experts’ advice for authors is to set the mood of the website according to their writing style.
Miriam Grace Monfredo
Book Types
History and Mystery & Thrillers
Barlow, Open Sans
What they did well:
- Miriam provided an excellent background in hero which sets the mood and tone for mystery as her focus is on historical mysteries.
- The layout is easy to follow and flows from the reader’s perspective.
- The tag line for Miriam within the hero is excellent and provides a succinct summary of her work.
- Miriam draws the reader’s attention to the books by utilizing images
- Economy of language is utilized well here.
- There’s a specific page for each book with reviews and links to buy the book on Amazon and Smashwords.
- 3-D book design enhances website appearance, drawing attention to her books.
What to consider changing:
- There could be a greater focus on the books that Miriam has produced as its location is distant from the focal point of the website.
- Website upload speeds can be improved with limited images and features. Miriam’s books could also be larger in their image and her about me section should follow.
- The focus needs to be on promoting a book or books in general.
- Miriam should promote an upcoming book if she has one in the works because this will build anticipation for her fans and audience.
- She must keep the blog up-to-date.

Dr. Seuss
Book Types
Children's Books
What they did well:
- The background design is visually appealing and speaks to the brand.
- Navigation Links draw the user to the characters, books, and experiences tabs.
- The news & events add more extensions to interact with the author’s works.
- The shop option allows for further advertising and exposure of the author.
- Parents and Educators have a special link just for them.
What to consider changing:
- The design is cluttered, this works for this author as it is characteristic of them.
- The books and author are not the focus and the focus is entirely on the brand.

Beatrix Potter
Book Types
Children's Books
What they did well:
- The flow of design is key and this site has a natural flow from start to end
- The minimalist design in the beginning sets the tone for a children’s book
- Four navigation links makes choosing simple and direct
- Highlights special events/topics such as nature events linking kids to nature.
- Highlights upcoming book as well as film giving fans excitement for what’s to come.
- Social media is linked at the end of the site with contact information as well.
What to consider changing:
- Bring the focus of upcoming works to the beginning as this is an established author.
- The crafts are a fun concept but should be placed after upcoming work.
- Meet the characters could also be placed higher up to draw in more fans.

Lois Lowry
Book Types
Children's Books, Literature & Fiction, and Young Adult
Playfair Display, Open Sans
What they did well:
- Beautiful design in the beginning which draws you in with slides of new events.
- Highlights upcoming works and also includes netflix adaptations of books.
- Navigation links are in a proper sequence of importance with contact being last.
- The books section uses the covers in a collage formatting to draw in readers.
- Biography section is detailed and styled well conveying a sense of familial ties.
What to consider changing:
- Welcome section is very plain and uninviting even though she is inviting us in.
- Welcome section could be improved with warmer text.

Ray Bradbury
Book Types
Horror, Literature & Fiction, and Science Fiction & Fantasy
What they did well:
- Including a banner helps to promote the author and works.
- Sectioning of the website allows for the transition from one part to the next.
- Theme of the author is conveyed throughout using the orange writing and images.
What to consider changing:
- Scrolling banner is often confusing and takes up far too much space.
- Scrolling banner content should be conveying the author or the product.
- There is randomness to the sequence on the website content on the homepage.
- The navigation bar needs to decrease options.

Ransom Riggs
Book Types
Arts & Photography, Mystery & Thrillers, and Young Adult
Europa, FilosofiaOT
What they did well:
- Background is beautiful and leads to the author’s adventure and explorer genre.
- Navigation bar is specific in where the user will be taken and less options is better.
- Footer contains social media links.
What to consider changing:
- Slow upload speeds for both computers and mobile devices.
- The home page lacks advertisements of upcoming books and past works.
- Very minimalist and lacks conveying this as author’s website instead of personal blog.

Taylor Jenkins Reid
Book Types
Tungsten Comp A, Georgia, Gotham SSm A
What they did well:
- Advertising of upcoming books is phenomenal and eye-catching.
- Author’s name is the first segment of wording to be seen by the viewer.
- Navigation bar is easy to use, simplistic but efficiently directs the user.
- Shopping access for the books is easily seen below the upcoming book’s intro.
- Social media links are included at the bottom of the site and accessible.
- About the author is short, succinct, and complete.
- Negative space is used perfectly to bring focus to the key elements of the site.
What to consider changing:
- Excessive book advertising by including the “Also from Taylor” section on homepage.
- No blog post is on the website and no links available to a blog site either.

Yuval Noah Harari
Book Types
History and Nonfiction
What they did well:
- Very inclusive of the various aspects of Yuval Noah Harari.
- Rolling banner allows for continual advertising of Yuval and his events and books.
- Social Media is easily accessible next to the navigation bar.
- Upload speeds are quick for desktop and mobile versions.
- Events are provided in chronological upcoming order.
What to consider changing:
- The homepage is cluttered and starts to blend together not in a cohesive manner.
- Initial impression is not that this is an author’s website due to the lack of literature.
- Books are not presented in any particular order.
- No upcoming books are being advertised, only events are current.

Stephen King
Book Types
Horror, Literature & Fiction, and Mystery & Thrillers
Source Sans Pro, Spectral
What they did well:
- Scrolling banner advertises upcoming works and other events.
- Navigation bar provides key choices to navigate to.
- Background is changeable in the bottom right corner from light to dark to set the mood.
- Mood of the webpage is consistent with Stephen King’s persona and works.
- Upload speeds on both mobile and desktop are very fast allowing for ease of use.
What to consider changing:
- The background of the site is relatively simple and could have more to draw in a reader.

Maggie Stiefvater
Book Types
Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, and Young Adult
Exlibris, Mackinac, Avenir
What they did well:
- Blog section is added in the website which contains some phenomenal content to feed the brain and get pleasure.
- Direct link for purchasing Novels is available which is an admirable functionality to save time for readers.
- The layout of the website is great and all of the books are classified into different genres.
What to consider changing:
- The News section isn’t up to date and readers really want to listen, grasp their favorite Author’s newest updates.
- The loading speed of the website isn’t fast enough which can be more fluid and responsive.
- More testimonials or reviews can be uploaded as readers can have a look at those reviews and finalize if they want to purchase the Novel or not.

Brené Brown
Book Types
Health, Mind & Body, and Nonfiction
Helvetica Neue, Georgia
What they did well:
- The loading speed is really negligible though so many books, podcasts, and blogs are running on the website.
- Visitors can purchase their favorite books easily by using the drop downs in the hero.
- Some brilliant videos are also present on the website including TED TALK and many other inspirational programs.
What to consider changing:
- Novels aren’t divided into respective genres which is a downside for visitors coming to take a look at numerous books/novels.
- Blogs aren’t regularly updated.
- There’s no contact form on the site.

Rachel Hollis
Book Types
Chick Lit, Cookbooks, and Self Help
DIN Condensed, Essonnes, PT Sans Narrow
What they did well:
- This author website has a proper format in respect of colour and section-wise breakdown of topics in each page layout.
- Rachel has uploaded lots of blog posts on different niches which are great to read.
- Sticky social media links on all pages of the site helps followers to get engaged with Author.
What to consider changing:
- Top Menu Bar can be well-formatted, make brighter and font size should be increased.
- The promotion of books isn’t admirable with respect to other author’s sites.

Christopher McDougall
Book Types
Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed
What they did well:
- There is a picture of the author that makes it more interesting as compared to other authors’ websites.
- About section of the website does all the justice to the writer.
What to consider changing:
- It could be made the best author website design with a books relevant theme.
- There is a lot of blank space on the home page that could be otherwise utilized beautifully.

A.W. Tozer
Book Types
Christian and Religion
What they did well:
- The quotation of the author on the main page makes it a captivating website for a book.
- The color scheme of the website is very soothing to the eyes.
- There’s a large picture of the author in the hero section on the home page.
What to consider changing:
- The email newsletter is not visible in the footer and it pops up by clicking on subscribe link which isn’t good for conversion rate.
- The contact details and social media handles are missing.

The website can be counted as one of the best author websites 2022 for comic fans.
Mark Waid
Book Types
Comics & Graphic Novels
Oswald, Raleway
What they did well:
- This author’s website has a huge variety of content which is always updated from time to time.
- The most important pages of the site are visible in the hero on the home page.
What to consider changing:
- The footer has no newsletter forms, quick links, or social media buttons.
- The layout is very common among author website examples.

Michelle Obama
Book Types
Biographies & Memoirs, Nonfiction, and Social Sciences
GT Eesti, Earth Rich
What they did well:
- The word “Becoming” is so beautifully incorporated throughout the website.
- The most unique thing about this website is it includes an audio clip which is found very rarely on authors’ websites.
What to consider changing:
- The website is more focused on the books than the author.
- She could consider shortening the paragraphs on the main page of the website.

Helen Hoang
Book Types
Chick Lit and Romance
Montserrat, Lora
What they did well:
- The Author’s signature added more value to the page.
- The boxed layout made this website different from other authors’ websites.
- The site includes links to all translations of the books.
What to consider changing:
- There are no blog posts or any links to the blog site available on the website.
- A contact form works better than sharing email addresses.
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Beautiful Dark Authors Websites for Inspiration

David Platt
Book Types
Montserrat, Roboto Mono
What they did well:
- Video banner draws the audience in with an easy to access video.
- The navigation bar stands out using the white text against a dark background
- Consistent color patterns created continuity on the site.
- Mobile and PC upload speeds remained consistent and high.
- The focus of the website is evident, it is a site for christian fellowship not just books.
- Accessibility and navigation on the site is easy to follow and natural for the user.
What to consider changing:
- Books could be advertised more if that is the focus, but here it is not.
- The theme of this does not appeal as an author site.
- Imagery is portraying an experience, in this case a christian experience.
- The focus of the site is not on literature or the author.

Anne Frank
Book Types
Biographies & Memoirs
Graphik, Merriweather
What they did well:
- Simplicity in design is used well as the images are the navigation bar.
- As a Holocaust icon, having a change language option is crucial.
- Color use keeps with the theme of history and feeling of the holocaust.
What to consider changing:
- Limited information is provided on the website’s homepage.
- As a minimalist style, it is missing substance to draw in new audiences.
- For an author’s website it does not advertise any text such as her famous diary.

Robert Galbraith
Book Types
Crime, Suspense, and Thriller
What they did well:
- Homepage is well-made in a very creative manner and while using this website viewers will feel like they are flying in the sky due to the smoother experience.
- Newsletter section is present at the bottom with social media links too.
- Website domain is created according to his name, where he has described different characters too which make his website unique from other author websites.
What to consider changing:
- The news section is not up to date.
- Placement of purchasing links for books is troublesome.
- The contact page is absent.

Stephen Hawking
Book Types
Nonfiction and Science
Bebas Neue, InterFace
What they did well:
- The animation of the book covers makes this website one of the best author website designs.
- The website is very easy to use and has no unnecessary options.
What to consider changing:
- The background of the site is relatively very dark and gloomy.
- The menu options should be made brighter, and the font size of the text should be increased a little.
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After Thoughts
These were some great looking best author websites which can provide inspiration for your future websites. Check out our more helpful guides to learn how to make your author website from scratch or about important ingredients to rank it on top of Google. Furthermore, you can contact us, our skillful team can help you design and market a perfect author website for you.
You have chosen some beautiful author websites! As I looked through many of them, it’s interesting to note the difference in style. Your website style will depend on what type of books you are selling and who your audience is that you are marketing to.
I also found some new authors I want to check out! Thanks for sharing this.
The kevin hearne site is close to being perfect except for a couple of issues like the logo top being cut off on opera browser , great image though and a nice example of design apart from that
Love the tigner site too , nice to see people having well designed sites and no the usual garbage , nice list
Excellent looking sites and reflect on the quality of the author and writing skills. Besides a beautiful site, good reviews are essential and a critique of the author would be good to post on the first page. TeamGolfwell does free book or author reviews > https://www.teamgolfwell.com/free-book-reviews.html
Your activity and inspirational work are good. Authors have to see this article only once to increase their knowledge of writing skills.
How can we improve this site and what would be the cost.
Thank you. Mary